The benefits of Concrete Block Veneer or Reinforced Concrete Block for cavity wall

It is the multifaceted and long-lasting wall is considered as the most cost-effective masonry cavity system.
It is very useful for the following types of building
- Schools, commercial, industrial and institutional buildings
- Buildings desiring a extreme fire rating
- Noisy surroundings
- Areas having regular rainfall
- Selecting the proper Masonry System for your Budget
- It is most inexpensive among all the masonry cavity wall systems
- Strong, fine-looking concrete block exterior over a structural concrete block backup system
- Sturdy and durable
- Insignificant long-term maintenance
- Design is very flexible that contains various colors, textures and bond patterns
- Concrete block backup functions as the structure, containing vertical and horizontal reinforcement grouted arranged properly
- Cavity system characteristically weatherproof and is ideal for moist atmospheres
- Contain superior insulating value and heat capacity
- Fire resistance capability having fire ratings up to 4 hours.
- Suitable for noisy situations – naturally controls sound
- One trade fabricates both the structural and skin layers of the wall
Other features
- Reduce life cycle cost offsets higher preliminary investment to a certain extent
- Bigger foundation is required for developing this substantial wall system
Construction Tips
- It is recommended to constantly utilize joint reinforcement in concrete masonry to facilitate managing shrinkage cracks – even in concrete masonry veneer.
- Back bevel mortar joints will allow retaining extra mortar from falling down and blocking the drainage cavity.
- Streamline construction by applying the equivalent mortar type on the veneer as the backup. Type N is generally fine for both, excepting in high seismic zones where Type S is essential.
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