Analysis of Rates of Building Construction in Excel

This construction article sheds light on an excel sheet that can be used to make an analysis of rates of building construction.
The civil engineers and construction professionals can use this excel sheet for the following purposes:-
To find out the rate of building construction based on a specific item of work from the necessary quantities of materials and labors and their related costs.
Since the rates of materials & labor differ from one place to another, so the rates of several items of work also, fluctuate from one place to another.
Each estimate must be supported with the analysis of rates regarding the items given in it.
Analysis of rates include the following items:-
- Material cost
- Labor cost
- T & P along with miscellaneous expenditures
- Transportation
- The profit margin of contractor
- Tools and Plants (T & P) = 2.5 to 3% of the labor cost.
- Carrying cost in excess of 8 km is taken into consideration.
The following items should also be included in the rates:-
- Water charges = 1.5 to 2% of total cost
- The profit margin of contractor = 10%
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