Download excel sheet for brick masonry work, concrete work, plaster work, tile work etc.

This excel sheet can be used for various purposes which range from brick masonry work, concrete work, plaster work, tile work.
Brick is an elementary building material that comes in the shape of rectangular block where it’s length to breadth ratio remains at 2 but the height can vary.
Normal size (nominal size) of brick is 9” x 4½” x 3”
The size for architectural work (working size) is 8 1 1/16” x 4 5/16” x 2 1 1/16”
If bricks are placed in mortar in a perfect methodical way, it provides uniform mass that can resist forces devoid of decomposition and it is known as brick masonry.
The sizes of brick
A standard metric brick contains coordinating dimensions like 225 x 112.5 x 75 mm (9” x 4½ x 3”) known as nominal size and working dimensions (working dimensions) of 215 x 102.5 x 65 mm (8.5” x 4 x 2.5) known as architectural size.
The coordinating dimensions means the calculation of the actual space captured by a brick along with the necessary mortar on one bed, one header face and one starter face.
The working dimensions belong to the sizes to which the manufacturers prefer to develop the bricks.
The manufacturing process for several units and components should be maintained in such a manner that the final piece does not have the desired size but can relapse within the settled limits.
It occurs because of various factors like shrinkage, distortion at the time of drying out, firing etc. The variation among the working and coordinating dimensions of a brick is 10 mm (0.5 inches) and the variation is adopted with the layer of mortar into which the bricks are pushed at the time of placing.
The working dimensions are also defined as the nominal size of a brick.
Mortar Joints
Mortar is arranged in vertical direction among bricks and it is known as a perpend.
Necessity of Masonry Wall
Generally, the masonry wall should contain the following characteristics:-
- Sufficient strength to withstand imposed loads.
- Adequate water resistance capacity.
- Adequate visual privacy and strong transmission.
- Perfect fire resistance capacity.
- Capability to adjust with heating, air conditioning, electrical and plumbing equipment.
- Capacity to pick up different types of finish material costs.
- Capability to arrange openings like doors and window.
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