DeepXcav is the most powerful software for Geotechnical Engineers

Deep Excavation LLC, the leading developer of civil engineering software, has created DeepXcav. This exclusive construction program is specifically designed for geotechnical engineers. The software can be used for the creating the design of embedded earth retaining walls by applying limit-equilibrium and innovative non-linear elastoplastic analysis processes. With DeepXcav, the geotechnical engineers can obtain full geotechnical and structural solution for deep excavation under one roof.
DeepXcav helps in analyzing genuine soil behavior with simulation of the soil-wall interaction through advanced models which include soil stratigraphy, initial stress state along with distinct behavior and failure criteria throughout virgin loading or unloading-reloading.
The software comprises of an extensive database of materials and wall sections (sheet piles, diagraphgm walls, soldier piles, etc. ), ground anchors, steel braces (struts) and concrete floor slabs. All design approaches essential for Eurocodes 7 and 8 can be produced automatically. Besides, user-defined combinations are also attainable and are saved in the database. DeepXcav carries out both structural (ACI 318, AISC, EC2 and EC3) and geotechnical checks (anchors draw out resistance, toe embedment, hydraulic heave).
The software includes all structural and geotechnical design codes. DeepEX is the most updated version of DeepEX 2017, 2016, and DeepXcav 2012.
DeepEX is the most trusted software that can simply evaluate the damage potential of adjoining buildings close to an excavation. DeepEX applies in-depth methods to calculate probable crack widths and building settlement in three dimensions.
DeepXcav adheres to an extensive range of US and European design standards which range from AISC, ACI, AASHTO, AS 3600, BS, BS 5950-2000, EC2, EC3, EC7, DIN, DM08, etc.
There is a new module in DeepEX that facilitates the users to export 80% drawings to DXF. It is possible to export various stages and generate stage sequencing diagrams. Besides, stages with result diagrams can also be exported.
Go through the following link to download the software
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