RetainWall version 2.60 is powerful software for concrete or masonry wall design

RetainWall is powerful software that is specifically created for making the design of a concrete or masonry retaining wall. The wall may preserve soil or other granular material. It can be used to check the firmness of the wall on the basis of the loads and resistances, and produce bearing pressure, sliding, overturning and rotational stabilities. Loads operative on the wall may include self weight, soil pressure, and water pressure, live and seismic loads. Resistances may contain base friction and cohesion, passive earth pressure, other structures or a shear key. Load and resistance factor design (LRFD) mode can be employed. If the wall belongs to a reinforced concrete structure, the software can also deal with the reinforcement design. Besides, a soil pressure calculator is also arranged.
RetainWall is very user-friendly and comes up with on-screen trial-and-error method and quick solution finding of the design. With RetainWAll, the designers will get the ability to design any wall instantly. Complete outputs are visible on screen or printed.
Just click on the specified dimensions to obtain the initial dimensioning of the wall, earth surface and water levels. The software can also input material properties of the wall, soil, water and reinforcement bars. External loads involve surcharge load, seismic load as a horizontal seismic coefficient and any concentrated loads operative on the wall. It is also possible to choose from Load and resistance factors combinations. Results concerning the wall stability are procured instantly. In case of unsatisfactory result, another trial can be performed rapidly. Various options are available to use or not to use water, seismic or ashear key. The final outputs can also be printed easily.
With the application of the internal forces of the wall, reinforced concrete design can also be accomplished very quickly. It needs only bar diameters and spacings of the reinforcements.
RetainWall applies different types of measuring units like metric, SI and British unit systems.Given below, some useful new features of the software:-
- Load and resistance factors design (LRFD) capable.
- Ready to employ load and resistance factors combinations from AASHTO LRFD 2007, ACI 318-08 and IBC 2006.
- Load and resistance factors editor to alter or make new combinations
- Concrete reinforcement design with adherence to ACI 318-08.
- Force diagrams (moment, shear and normal) for each combination.
- Loads, resistances and reactions diagrams for each combination.
- Wall stabilities (bearing, sliding, overturning, rotation) for each combination.
- Scopes to work out the nominal soil bearing resistance by applying theoretical or semi empirical methods.
To download a Trial version, click on the following link.
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