Brief demonstration of road estimate software

In this construction video tutorial, you will get the demonstration of quantity estimation & cost control software for road works as well as earthwork.
This user-friendly construction software provides huge benefits to Civil Engineers, Road Builders, Contractors and Project Managers & Civil Engineering Students.
The software contains the following exclusive features:-
- Allow to create cross & longitudinal sections in AutoCAD.
- Allow to generate earthwork quantities in AutoCAD.
- Menu based quantity input in L, B and D Format.
- Non-existence of graphic or drawing interface.
- Allows including & excluding items.
- Simple demonstration & editing of records / quantities.
- Allow to edit material & labour coefficients.
- Section wise & total cost, over head & profit summary.
- Section-wise & total cement, sand, aggregate & bitumen consumption.
- Section-wise & Total Mason, Carpenter, Skilled Labour, Need for unskilled Labour & Foreman.
- Reinforcement breakdown as per diameter.
- Graphical Representation of Various Costs, Materials, Labour & Reinforcements in the form of Pie / Bar Chart.
- Allow to generate Gnatt / Bar Chart up to 2 years duration.
- Formation of Monthly Cash Flow, Value, Cost, Over Head, Taxes and Profit.
- Formation of Monthly Requirements of Cement Bags, Sand, Aggregate and Bitumen.
- Formation of Monthly Requirements of Mason, Carpenter, Skilled Labour, Unskilled Labour & Foreman.
- Formation of Project " S " Curve.
- Computation of Area & Volume of Road Profile.
- Earthwork Quantity estimates at Longitudinal and Cross Section, along with Automatic creation of AutoCAD Drawings at Longitudinal & every Cross Section.
- Contains Profile Correction i.e.
Works out Formation Level:-
1. At which Cut Volume = Fill Volume (Optimization).
2. To control Soil deficit (Fill Volume - Cut Volume) to a necessary Value
3. To restrict Excess Cut (Cut Volume - Fill Volume) to a necessary Value.
Watch the following online video tutorial to learn the functionality of the software.
Video Courtesy : supercivilcd