Comparison between vented and unvented attics for energy savings

The attic comprises of everything ranging from the completed ceiling to the bottom of the roof. Various attics contain air leaks from the house, inadequate insulation, defectively installed heating systems, and inferior skylights. All of these lead to waste of energy and money. So, it is essential to resolve these issues initially.
As warm air gets higher, the high air in the house normally becomes warmer at higher pressure as compared to the air in the remaining portion of the house. When cold weather exists, this stack effect continuously delivers indoor air up and out the top of the house—particularly through attics. In hot weather, chiller, thicker air sinks to the ground floor and moves around external, inducing a reverse stack effect that can bring in hot air from above. So, proper consideration should be given to deal with attic leaks to retain both comfort and energy use. If you prefer to transform your attic into a living area, its performance can be enhanced as part of the remodelling process.
Earlier, homes were developed with ventilated attics. Screened vent holes under your eaves, a long slot vent under the overhang, or louvered openings at the gable ends of your outside walls are inherent part of venting system that arranges air to pass through your attic. This ventilation is arranged to maintain the cooling environment of the house in summer and put off moisture formation in the attic year-round. Besides, it facilitates conditioned air to get away, which wastes energy.
Protection for the Vented Attic
The attic may be vented in the following conditions:-
- You are reluctant to transform the attic to living space.
- No ducts exist in the attic.
- The attic is sealed properly and insulated from the living space.
- Your attic ventilation avoids formation of moisture.
The benefit of a vented attic is that it maintains the roof cold in winter by minimizing the scope for producing ice dams. To accomplish it properly, it is vital to insulate the attic floor and any of its sidewalls perfectly and seal to block heat and moist air from the adjoining conditioned space.
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