Advantages and disadvantages of cement concrete roads

This civil engineering article, throws light on some vital advantages and disadvantages of concrete roads.
- The concrete road has good longevity and no maintenance cost is required.
- Concrete produces hard pavement and it has good sustainability against truck loading.
- Concrete road lasts for a prolonged period.
- Concrete has the ability to give protection against high temperature.
- Concrete roads are not affected by oil leaks similar to asphalt roads.
- Concrete road facilitates less fuel consumption. As for instance, if a vehicle passes through a concrete road, 15 to 20% fuel consumption is reduced as compared to asphalt roads.
- The concrete road can combat surface water related issues in an efficient manner.
- Concrete has good resistance capacity against wind and water.
- The concrete road is not damaged due to harsh weather conditions as compared to asphalt roads.
- Cement is a major constituent of concrete and it is formed by limestone that is sufficiently available.
- Conversely, asphalt (bitumen) is formed by imported petroleum and its availability is gradually decreasing. So, the concrete roads allow to save natural resources greatly.
- Preliminary cost is very high for construction.
- The paving cost is also very high for concrete roads as compared to asphalt roads.
- The concrete roads face greater maintenance issues as when the concrete roads rupture, the entire concrete slab has to be substituted.
- In concrete roads, mud pumping issues frequently occur.
- In concrete roads, joints should be filled at regular intermissions.
- Snow is accumulated on concrete roads since snow dissolves quickly on asphalt roads as compared to concrete roads.
- Safety is a great concern in concrete roads as the vehicles are likely to slip or slide owning to rain and snow.
- In main roads, there exist several utilities under roadway and they are frequently ruptured or required maintenance. To resolve this issue, the roadway should be pulled up and it is complicated for concrete pavement.