Quantity calculation of cement, sand and aggregate for 1000 sq.ft slab

In this informative civil engineering article, you will learn the process to measure the quantities of materials like cement, sand, aggregate and steel in 1000 square feet slab(flat, one way & two way) area.
The calculation method will be as follow :-
Area of slab – 1000 square feet
Thickness of slab – 5 inches
Minimum ratio for M20 grade of concrete
Main bar or bottom bar is arranged on shorter distances of 10 mm
Cross bar or top bar is arranged on longer distances of 8 mm
When more steel bars are used on slab, the strength of concrete is increased.
The volume of concrete or concrete mix quantity will be determine as follow :-
Area x thickness = 1000 x 5/12 (to convert inch to cft) = 416.66 cft
To transform it into cubic meter = 416.66/35.3147 = 11.80 cum (as 1m3 = 35.3147 cft)
But the volume is obtained in wet condition and it should be converted to dry volume by multiplying with 1.54 i.e. 11.80 x 1.54 = 18.17 cum
After summing the ratio, we get 1 + 1.5 + 3 = 5.50
The quantity of cement = 1/5.5 x 18.17 = 3.30 cum x 28.8 (to convert it to bags multiply with 28.8)
How 28.8 is derived :-
In 1m3, the quantity of cement = 1440 kg
In one cement bag, quantity is 50 kg
So, total bags = 1440 / 50 = 95 bags
The quantity of sand will be determined as follow :-
Sand = 1.5 /5.5 x 18.17 = 4.95 cum
To convert it to cft, multiply with 174.80 cft
The quantity of aggregate will be determined as follow :-
3/5.5 x 18.17 = 9.90 cum
To convert it to cft multiply it same as above i.e. 9.90 x 35.3147 = 349.60 cft
The quantity of steel will be determined as follow :-
Steel = 0.5 to 1% of total concrete volume
After taking the average value, we get 0.75 %
Now 0.75/100 x 18.17 (dry volume) x 7850 (In 1m3, the quantity of steel = 7850 kg) = 1070 kg